svn rev #18200: trunk/ src/lib/ccapi/ src/lib/ccapi/client/ src/lib/ccapi/common/ ...

hartmans@MIT.EDU hartmans at MIT.EDU
Thu Jun 22 14:43:25 EDT 2006

Commit By: hartmans
Log Message: 
 r18022 at luminous:  jaltman | 2006-05-19 05:18:37 -0400
 Updates of portable CCAPI sources.   All code compiles.
 r18025 at luminous:  jaltman | 2006-05-20 23:48:39 -0400
 Construct an outline of a sample platform specific main.c
 Add ccs_serv_cleanup() routine.  Currently does nothing.
 Correct field names used within the authorization check.
 r18026 at luminous:  jaltman | 2006-05-22 02:25:43 -0400
 More byte order conversions in the server operations code.
 r18027 at luminous:  jaltman | 2006-05-22 13:12:49 -0400
 Source files containing common routines used by both 
 the client and the server.
 r18028 at luminous:  jaltman | 2006-05-22 13:17:07 -0400
 Move msg.c and marshall.c to common library.
 Add dllmain.c which contains the Windows DllMain() entry 
 point.  This must be moved later to a Windows specific 
 Cleanup type usage and function name references.  
 All that is missing now from the client DLL is a definition
 of cci_perform_rpc() which is the entry point to the IPC
 r18029 at luminous:  jaltman | 2006-05-22 13:18:27 -0400
 Move generic list functions to common/generic_lists.c
 so they can be used by both the client dll and the server.
 Fix type utilization in serv_ops.c
 r18083 at luminous:  jaltman | 2006-06-05 13:49:34 -0400
 improved error handling
 r18094 at luminous:  jaltman | 2006-06-09 10:42:04 -0400
 * corrections to windows rpc layer
 * corrections to network byte order conversions
 r18095 at luminous:  lxs | 2006-06-09 17:46:24 -0400
 cci_msg_retrieve_blob(): changed argument 4 from void** to char** 
 to suppress the warnings from gcc.
 r18096 at luminous:  lxs | 2006-06-09 17:55:32 -0400
 moved enum cc_list_type to generic_lists.h to avoid "incomplete enum" 
 warnings when compiling generic_lists.c
 r18097 at luminous:  lxs | 2006-06-09 17:56:15 -0400
 Removed ancient Metrowerks tests from public headers.
 r18098 at luminous:  lxs | 2006-06-09 17:57:20 -0400
 Include string.h to get memcpy, strlen, etc on BSD OSes.
 r18099 at luminous:  lxs | 2006-06-09 17:59:36 -0400
 Added Mac OS X project file and Mach-IPC support code
 r18106 at luminous:  jaltman | 2006-06-12 09:56:31 -0400
 remove duplicate header file and obsolete source file
 r18193 at luminous:  jaltman | 2006-06-22 12:57:14 -0400
 This commit updates lib/krb5/ccache/ccapi to support CCAPI Version 3
 and above.  Specify -DUSE_CCAPI_V3=1 when compiling to use CCAPI Version 3
 r18194 at luminous:  jaltman | 2006-06-22 12:58:37 -0400
 Fix parameter name in cc_credentials_iterator_t next()
 r18195 at luminous:  jaltman | 2006-06-22 12:59:08 -0400
 Add missing header
 r18196 at luminous:  jaltman | 2006-06-22 13:11:37 -0400
 Use the old exported names for setup and shutdown
 r18197 at luminous:  jaltman | 2006-06-22 13:18:14 -0400
 krb5_stdccv3_setup is ok

=== Please enter your commit message above this line ===

Changed Files:
_U  trunk/
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/NTMakefile
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/NTMakefile
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/cacheapi.c
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/ccache.c
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/ccache.h
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/ccache_iterator.c
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/ccache_iterator.h
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/ccapiv2.c
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/ccstring.c
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/ccstring.h
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/context.c
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/context.h
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/credentials.c
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/credentials.h
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/credentials_iterator.c
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/client/credentials_iterator.h
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/common/
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/common/NTMakefile
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/common/generic_lists.c
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/common/mac/
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/common/mac/mig.defs
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/common/mac/mig_types.h
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/common/marshall.c
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/common/msg.c
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/doc/
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/doc/implementation-notes.txt
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/include/CredentialsCache.h
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/include/CredentialsCache2.h
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/include/cc_rpc.h
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/include/datastore.h
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/include/generic_lists.h
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/include/marshall.h
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/include/msg.h
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/include/msg_headers.h
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/include/rpc_auth.h
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/mac/CCAPI.xcodeproj/
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/mac/CCAPI.xcodeproj/lxs.pbxuser
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/mac/CCAPI.xcodeproj/lxs.perspective
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/mac/CCAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
D   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/marshall.c
D   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/msg.c
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/NTMakefile
D   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/ccache.c
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/ccs_ccache.c
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/ccs_context.c
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/ccs_lists.c
D   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/context.c
D   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/datastore.h
D   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/lists.c
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/mac/CCacheServer.plist
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/mac/CCacheServerInfo.plist
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/mac/main.c
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/rpc_auth.c
D   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/rpc_auth.h
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/serv_ops.c
D   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/server/serv_ops.h
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/unit-test/NTMakefile
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/unit-test/t_ccache.c
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/unit-test/t_context.c
U   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/unit-test/t_server.c
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/windows/NTMakefile
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/windows/cacheapi.def
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/windows/client.c
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/windows/dllmain.c
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/windows/ntccrpc.acf
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/windows/ntccrpc.idl
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/windows/rpcsstest/
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/windows/rpcsstest/NTMakefile
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/windows/rpcsstest/client.c
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/windows/rpcsstest/cstest.acf
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/windows/rpcsstest/cstest.idl
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/windows/rpcsstest/server.c
A   trunk/src/lib/ccapi/windows/server.c
U   trunk/src/lib/krb5/ccache/ccapi/stdcc.c
U   trunk/src/lib/krb5/ccache/ccapi/stdcc.h
U   trunk/src/lib/krb5/ccache/ccapi/stdcc_util.c
U   trunk/src/lib/krb5/ccache/ccapi/stdcc_util.h
U   trunk/src/lib/krb5/ccache/ccapi/winccld.h

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