svn rev #18366: branches/krb5-1-4/ src/windows/installer/wix/ src/windows/installer/wix/lang/

tlyu@MIT.EDU tlyu at MIT.EDU
Fri Jul 21 20:00:37 EDT 2006

Commit By: tlyu
Log Message: 
ticket: 4020
version_fixed: 1.4.4

pull up r18335 from trunk

 r18335 at cathode-dark-space:  jaltman | 2006-07-18 15:24:23 -0400
 ticket: new
 subject: Windows: Wix 2.0.4221 updates
 This commit corrects errors in the Wix installer script
 files that violate the Wix schema but which were not 
 caught by earlier releases of the Wix 2.0 installer.

Changed Files:
_U  branches/krb5-1-4/
U   branches/krb5-1-4/src/windows/installer/wix/config.wxi
U   branches/krb5-1-4/src/windows/installer/wix/features.wxi
U   branches/krb5-1-4/src/windows/installer/wix/files.wxi
U   branches/krb5-1-4/src/windows/installer/wix/kfw.wxs
U   branches/krb5-1-4/src/windows/installer/wix/lang/ui_1033.wxi
U   branches/krb5-1-4/src/windows/installer/wix/property.wxi
U   branches/krb5-1-4/src/windows/installer/wix/site-local.wxi

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