CVS report: krb5/src/kdc ChangeLog do_as_req.c do_tgs_req.c

raeburn@MIT.EDU raeburn at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 10 21:12:53 EDT 2002

CVSROOT:	/cvs/krbdev
Module name:	krb5
Changes by:	raeburn at	2002-09-10 21:12:53

Modified files:
	src/kdc        : ChangeLog do_as_req.c do_tgs_req.c 

Log message:
Try a little harder to avoid returning e-text that says "Generic error (see
e-text)" for out-of-range codes where we haven't explicitly decided to return a
vague error message.

* do_as_req.c (prepare_error_as): New argument, the error message text as
determined *before* possibly replacing the error code with "generic error".
(process_as_req): Fill it in based on 'status', or the error message
corresponding to the error code to be returned.
* do_tgs_req.c (prepare_error_tgs): New argument, the error message text as
determined *before* possibly replacing the error code with "generic error".
(process_tgs_req): Fill it in based on 'status', or the error message
corresponding to the error code to be returned.

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