CVS report: krb5/src/lib/gssapi/krb5 Tag: krb5-1-2-2-branc ...

lxs@MIT.EDU lxs at MIT.EDU
Sun Mar 3 18:48:00 EST 2002

CVSROOT:	/cvs/krbdev
Module name:	krb5
Changes by:	lxs at	2002-03-03 18:48:00

Modified files:
	src/lib/gssapi/krb5: Tag: krb5-1-2-2-branch init_sec_context.c 

Log message:
* accept_sec_context.c, ser_sctx.c, util_crypt.c, wrap_size_limit.c: Removed unused variables. * acquire_cred.c: Added include of k5-int.h to get prototypes. * disp_status.c: Updated Mac OS X header paths. * gssapi_krb5.c: Added include of k5-int.h to get prototypes. * gssapiP_krb5.h: Updated Mac OS X header paths and added prototype on Mac. * init_sec_context.c: Removed unused function on the mac to avoid warning.

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