CVS report: krb5/src/lib/krb5/os ChangeLog c_ustime.c ccde ...

tlyu@MIT.EDU tlyu at MIT.EDU
Sat Jun 22 03:10:21 EDT 2002

CVSROOT:	/cvs/krbdev
Module name:	krb5
Changes by:	tlyu at	2002-06-22 03:10:20

Modified files:
	src/lib/krb5/os: ChangeLog c_ustime.c ccdefname.c init_os_ctx.c 

Log message:
* c_ustime.c: Remove various things missed in 1-2-2-branch MacOS
microseconds timer removal.

* c_ustime.c: punted the accurate microseconds timing code because it
wasn't so accurate after all.
[pullup from 1-2-2-branch]

* init_os_ctx.c: Add CoreServices.h before k5-int.h so we don't get
multiple definitions for FSSpec.  Also removed an unused variable in
Mac OS X code and added casts for Mac OS X code so FSSpecs are cast
to profile file types (code deals properly on the other side)

* timeofday.c: Added casts to remove warnings

* ccdefname.c, init_os_ctx.c, timeofday.c: Updated Mac OS X
headers to new framework layout and updated Mac OS macros

* read_pwd.c: Removed #defines for Mac OS X (__MACH__) because we
now export krb5_read_password on Mac OS X

[pullups from 1-2-2-branch]

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