CVS report: krb5/src/krb524 ChangeLog cnv_tkt_skey.c conv_ ...

tlyu@MIT.EDU tlyu at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 14 20:37:58 EDT 2002

CVSROOT:	/cvs/krbdev
Module name:	krb5
Changes by:	tlyu at	2002-06-14 20:37:58

Modified files:
	src/krb524     : ChangeLog cnv_tkt_skey.c conv_creds.c 
	                 conv_princ.c encode.c krb524.h sendmsg.c 

Log message:
* krb524.h: Updated C++ protection to not interfere with emacs
auto indentation and added KRB524_PRIVATE macro for Mac OS X to
control visibility of function prototypes

* krb524.h: Added C++ protection and Mac pragmas

* krb524.h, cnv_tkt_skey.c, conv_creds.c, conv_princ.c, encode.c,
misc.c, sendmsg.c: Updated header paths on Mac OS X so that we
correctly include the autogenerated krb524.h

* conv_creds.c, cnv_tkt_skey.c: added cast to remove warning.

* krb524.h: Updated to new Mac OS header layout.

* sendmsg.c: k5-int.h should be included as a local header

[pullups from 1-2-2-branch]

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