CVS report: krb5/src/util/profile Tag: meeroh-profile-shar ...
lxs at MIT.EDU
Tue Jun 4 11:44:02 EDT 2002
CVSROOT: /cvs/krbdev
Module name: krb5
Changes by: lxs at 2002-06-04 11:44:02
Modified files:
src/util/profile: Tag: meeroh-profile-sharing-optimization
Log message:
* prof_file.c: Don't double lock the mutex (causes hang). Also, only check timestamp if the file is already in the shared tree data. Otherwise just read it. * prof_set.c: Check to see whether the file is read only or has already been written to *before* mangling the shared tree data. * prof_threads.h: Use default pthread attributes when initializing mutex.
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