CVS report: krb5/src/lib/krb5/ccache ChangeLog cc_file.c

dalmeida@MIT.EDU dalmeida at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 10 23:16:43 EDT 2002

CVSROOT:	/cvs/krbdev
Module name:	krb5
Changes by:	dalmeida at	2002-04-10 23:16:43

Modified files:
	src/lib/krb5/ccache: ChangeLog cc_file.c 

Log message:
* cc_file.c: Use _WIN32 instead of _WINSOCKAPI_ because
_WINSOCKAPI_ depends on the Winsock header used (i.e., Winsock 2
does not define this).  What we are really trying to check for is
Win32.  Include port-sockets.h for Win32.  (NOTE: Why is
NEED_SOCKETS being defined after the inclusion of k5-int.h?  That
is pretty useless...  What we probably should do is more
consitently used NEED_SOCKETS instead of manually putting in
network code.  However, some people would probably have issues
with the build being slower...)

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