CVS report: krb5/src/mac/MacOSX/Projects Tag: krb5-1-2-2-b ...

dalmeida@MIT.EDU dalmeida at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 3 19:36:25 EST 2002

CVSROOT:	/cvs/krbdev
Module name:	krb5
Changes by:	dalmeida at	2002-04-03 19:36:25

Modified files:
	src/mac/MacOSX/Projects: Tag: krb5-1-2-2-branch Kerberos5.pbexp 

Log message:
Format whitespace more consistently to make it easy to manipulate the
file for simpler comparison with Windows exports:

1) remove trailing whitespace
2) s/^[ ]+_/TAB_/
2) s/^#[ ]+_/#TAB_/
3) remove any spaces before or after a TAB

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