[Crosstalk] Fwd: Education Talk: David Pritchard Thursday (9/4) 4PM 26-100

Molly Ruggles ruggles at mit.edu
Wed Sep 3 13:36:11 EDT 2014

Hi colleagues,

Tomorrow, at 4 pm (26-100 on MIT campus), a talk of note…..

> What Do Students Learn, What From, What Should They Learn, An Example, Can MOOCs Help?
> David E. Pritchard, Green Professor Physics, MIT; developer of MasteringPhysics.com
> Data from our MasteringPhysics.com online tutor showed tremendous learning, but little evidence that students think like a physicist.  Further disquieting news comes from investigations of exactly what students learned, how much they remembered as seniors, the role of homework copying, the limitations of partial credit grading, and the great disparity between what physics teachers want to teach and what our students want to learn.  I shall present evidence that a blended on-campus course can teach physics expertise.  Then I’ll describe a vision of how research, development, online learning and MOOCs can be combined to spread better learning universally.


Molly Ruggles
Senior Educational Technology Consultant
ruggles at mit.edu | 617-324-9185
MIT  |  ODL  |  OEIT

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