[Crosstalk] xTalks archives: Wieman, Veeramachaneni, and more.

Molly Ruggles ruggles at MIT.EDU
Thu May 22 08:57:01 EDT 2014

Good morning,

If you missed Carl Wieman's xTalk earlier this week, the video is available, as well as his slides. If you missed Kalyan Veeramachaneni’s xTalk earlier in May, his slides are available (alas, no audio due to a technical glitch). 

For additional video, audio and slides from earlier xTalks, link to previous events.

We wish you a pleasant summer and hope to see you at future xTalks events.

- Molly

Molly Ruggles
Senior Educational Technology Consultant
ruggles at mit.edu | 617-324-9185
MIT  |  ODL  |  OEIT

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