[Crosstalk] xTalks: Pavel Luksha 4/2; Orloff & Bloom 4/7

Molly Ruggles ruggles at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 25 18:14:43 EDT 2014

Good day,

We’re excited to tell you about some upcoming xTalks…

Wednesday April 2, 2:30, rm 3-370 Pavel Luksha: Re-Engineering the Future
Monday April 7, 1:30, Whitehead Aud. Jeremy Orloff and Jonathan Bloom: Flipping the Dice: Active Learning in 18.03

Later this spring…

Friday April 18, 2 pm, rm 4-237 Lori Breslow and Jennifer DeBoer: National Differences in an International Classroom
Thursday May 1, 1:30, rm 76-156  Karina Meira & Berri Jacque: Teaching Cutting Edge Bio-Med Science in K-12
Wednesday May 14, 2:30, rm 32-155 Kalyan Veeramachaneni: Where Art Thou Big Data: Identifying & Harnessing Sources of Data for MOOC Data Science

For those of your who missed Tom Kochan’s fantastic talk last week, the audio & slides are posted here.

Please note the April 7 and May 1 events are hosted by the HHMI Education Group.  For more information please visit odl.mit.edu/events.


Molly Ruggles
Senior Educational Technology Consultant
ruggles at mit.edu | 617-324-9185
OEIT  |  ODL  |  MIT

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