[Crosstalk] xTalks: Breslow & DeBoer - 2pm tomorrow

Molly Ruggles ruggles at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 17 09:33:20 EDT 2014

Dear colleagues,

A reminder: Lori Breslow & Jennifer DeBoer will speak on National Differences in an International Classroom, tomorrow, April 18, 2 pm, in rm 4-237.  

Virtual classrooms of open online courses include students nested within unique social, economic, political, and educational contexts. Breslow & DeBoer will highlight systematic differences in performance and behaviors for students and countries with varying characteristics such as language, internet availability, etc. 

Upcoming xTalks...
Karina Meira & Berri Jacque: Teaching Cutting Edge Bio-Med Science in K-12, Thurs. May 1, 1:30, rm 76-156. (hosted by HHMI Ed Group)
Kalyan Veeramachaneni: Where Art Thou Big Data? Identifying & Harnessing Sources for MOOC Data Science, Wed. May 14, 2:30, rm 32-155.
Carl Wieman: Expertise in Science & Engineering, How it is Learned & Taught, Mon. May 19, 11am, 3-270, new location. (co-sponsored with the MIT Science Policy Initiative) 

Molly Ruggles
Senior Educational Technology Consultant
ruggles at mit.edu | 617-324-9185
OEIT  |  ODL  |  MIT

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