[Crosstalk] upcoming xTalks ( Nov 14 talk postponed to Dec 4)

Molly Ruggles ruggles at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 12 18:20:23 EST 2013

Good day,

We want you to remind you of some exciting xTalks scheduled this fall, as well as let you know that the Nov 14th xTalk has been postponed to Dec 4 (please see below).

Ike Chuang and Dan Seaton – Research with MITx data
Thursday, November 21 @ 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm, Room 66-154
The MITx program has generated a tremendous amount of data, both on edX and residentially at MIT.  From the 14 MITx on edX courses, there are over 500 million records of events coming from over 600 thousand students; from the 23 residential MITx courses, we have records from over 2,700 student interactions.  This data is a tremendous resource for understanding learning and improving courses.  We describe what data is available, how to obtain access, within bounds set by FERPA, and illustrate some of the richness and potential of the data.

Haynes Miller, Richard Larson, Eric Klopfer & others – Online Teacher Education in Pakistan
Wednesday, Dec 4 @ 2:00 - 3:30pm, Room 12-122
MIT faculty members Miller, Larson, Klopfer and others who were engaged in an online teacher training program in Pakistan, will be joined by Vijay Kumar, Brandon Muramatsu & Lourdes Aleman to talk about their experiences and lessons learned from developing a program that highlighted pedagogies and educational technologies used at MIT. The courses in the program featured games-based learning, simulations, visualizations and concept-based applications.

Una-May O'Reilly – MOOCDB: Taming MOOC Big Data while Fostering Collaboration in Online Education Research
Thursday, December 12 @ 3:30 - 4:30  pm, Room 12-142
How can we help every education researcher study the online course behavioral data captured from every course taught across the globe? How can we generate 1000's of analytic variables and 100's of visualizations from data corresponding to millions of events? What started as an effort to organize and analyze the 6.002x data from edX has now become "MOOCdb", a multi-institution effort converging to support multi-platform, open access, collaborative, online education research.

David Darmofal & Chad Lieberman – Development of an Outcomes-Based edX MOOC using LaTEX
Monday, December 16 @ 1:30 - 2:30  pm, Whitehead Auditorium (this talk is hosted by the HHMI MIT Education Group Seminar)
In this talk, we will discuss our on-going experience at developing and offering an edX MOOC (MITx: 16101x Introduction to Aerodynamics). First, we will focus on how learning outcomes can be embedded in the content not only to communicate intent and expectations but also to provide a mechanism for students to access content by relevant outcomes. We also consider how outcome-based tagging could be used to move towards a student assessment based on mastery of learning outcomes. Next, we will discuss our attempt to mimic some aspects of the flipped classroom model that we have used in the on-campus subject 16.100. Finally, we will also discuss the LaTeX-based environment we have been developing and using to author 16.101x. 

All events are free, refreshments will be served. We hope you will join us. For more information, please visit odl.mit.edu/xtalks.

All the best,
Molly Ruggles

Molly Ruggles
Senior Educational Technology Consultant
ruggles at mit.edu | 617-324-9185
OEIT  |  ODL  |  MIT

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