[Crosstalk] Save the Date - MacVicar Day 2012

Molly Ruggles ruggles at MIT.EDU
Fri Feb 17 16:20:45 EST 2012

Save the Date - MacVicar Day 2012

Innovations in Undergraduate Education at MIT: Past, Present, and Future
In the Tradition of Margaret MacVicar and Robert Silbey

Friday, March 16, 2012
3:00-5:00 PM
Refreshments at 2:30 PM
Bartos Theater, E15-070

Introduction of the 2012 MacVicar Fellows followed by a symposium on innovations in education at MIT featuring Professors Linda Griffith, Moungi Bawendi, John Essigmann, Arthur Bahr, William Broadhead, Robert Redwine, and alumnus Joel Yuen '07.

Sponsored by the MacVicar Faculty Fellows Program and the Office of Faculty Support

Visit http://web.mit.edu/macvicar/ for more information.

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