[Crosstalk] Gaël McGill on biology visualizations Thur 5/5 @ 3 pm.

Molly Ruggles ruggles at MIT.EDU
Mon May 2 13:24:17 EDT 2011

Please join us this Thursday for Molecular Movies: Exploring Hollywood’s Tools for Biovisualization

Dr. Gaël McGill (Center for Molecular and Cellular Dynamics at Harvard Medical School) will speak about his work to develop cutting edge biology 3D visualizations using the Molecular Maya (mMaya) Toolkit.  This innovative work has important applications in science education and public communications, and can also inform the research and discovery process.

Date & Time:  Thursday, May 5, 2011 @ 3:00 pm
Location: MIT 4-237

Refreshments will be provided.
Co-hosted by the Biology Education Group<educationgroup.mit.edu<http://educationgroup.mit.edu>> and OEIT<oeit.mit.edu<http://oeit.mit.edu>>.
Learn more at:  http://educationgroup.mit.edu/HHMIEducationGroup/?p=1050

Molly Ruggles
Educational Technology Consultant
Office of Educational Innovation & Technology
OEIT | MIT | NE48-308
ruggles at mit.edu<mailto:ruggles at mit.edu> | 617-324-9185

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