[Crosstalk] OEIT's IAP Session on E-Learning (Tue., Jan. 25 @11am-1pm)

Toru Iiyoshi iiyoshi at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 19 11:55:49 EST 2011

Dear Colleagues,

We hope you can join the session!  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Warm regards,

"What's Ahead? E-Learning at Institute Level - Insight, Conversation/Discussion Around It…and Lunch"

Tuesday Jan 25, 11am-1:00pm, Rm. 26-142
Presented by The Office of Educational Innovation and Technology (DUE)
Enrollment limited to 25 participants: advance sign up required (see contact below)†
Signup by: 24-Jan-2011

What is going on with e-learning at the Institute level and what is the future going to bring?

Plan on enjoying a light lunch and sharing insights, views, questions, answers, and hunches! There will be a short 15-20 minute presentation (around 11:30am) on the institutional efforts that have been made over the last several months to explore the possibilities of technology-enabled education at MIT. What MIT faculty and students think about some critical educational values, cultures, and priorities, and how they can be supported and enhanced by technology will also be shared and discussed.

†Contact: Toru Iiyoshi, NE 48-308, (617) 715-2461, iiyoshi at mit.edu

Toru Iiyoshi, Ph.D.

Senior Strategist
Office of Educational Innovation and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
NE48-308, Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone : (617) 715-2461
Fax   : (617) 452-4044
Email : iiyoshi at MIT.EDU
Web   : http://www.toruiiyoshi.com

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