[Crosstalk] OEIT invites you to "Re-thinking Educational Platforms: A vision of a truly user centered, online educational experience" by Llorenc Valverde, Open University of Catalunya

Toru Iiyoshi iiyoshi at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 26 15:13:56 EST 2009

Dear Colleagues,

DUE Office of Educational Innovation and Technology (OEIT)
<http://web.mit.edu/oeit/> would like to invite you to our next talk event:

"Re-thinking Educational Platforms: A vision of a truly user centered,
online educational experience" by Llorenc Valverde, Vice-rector of
Technology at the Open University of Catalunya (UOC)

Please join us Monday, March 9th from 10:00-11:30am in Rm. 3-442.
Refreshments will be served.

Session Abstract:

Have you ever felt your teaching and learning experience limited by current
online tools and systems you and your students are using? Are you interested
in exploring more flexible and customizable experiences in support of making
educational technology more personal and less institutional? The Open
University of Catalonia (UOC) <http://www.uoc.edu/portal/english/>, asked
these questions and has come up with a novel approach that may provide a
vision of the future.

Please join us for a presentation and discussion that will feature MyUOC,
the UOC's new open source online learning environment that is designed to
provide more options and choices to all; students, faculty, and staff. MyUOC
is a flexible, customizable, modular, accessible and interoperable framework
allowing users to integrate modules from other learning platforms such as
Moodle or SAKAI, as well as other applications such as Google or Facebook.
MyUOC tools are designed to operate across the different devices in use
today within our educational community beyond just desktop or laptop
computers (i.e., mobile phones, ebooks, PDAs, etc.). MyUOC's educationally
focused modules can also be deployed out to other, more mainstream
environments, like iGoogle.

MyUOC is open source, based in standards and has been designed by
multidisciplinary teams using user centered design methodologies. Over the
past few years OEIT has collaborated with UOC and has been closely following
the development of MyUOC. We are excited to help share this important work
with the MIT community.

For more information about the session and the presenters, please visit:

Please contact Jeff Merriman (merriman at MIT.EDU) should you have any
questions regarding this session.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The OEIT Team

Toru Iiyoshi, Ph.D.

Senior Strategist, Educational Technology Outreach
Office of Educational Innovation and Technology, DUE
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
NE48-308, Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone : (617) 715-2461
Fax   : (617) 452-4044
Email : iiyoshi at MIT.EDU

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