[Crosstalk] items of interest on EdTech Times

Molly D. Ruggles ruggles at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 3 15:50:09 EDT 2008

Good day,

The Ed Tech Times is back on-line.

Check out recent postings on using virtual reality for student  
communication, information about Project Bamboo: a new cross- 
institution initiative to harness IT's processing power to serve  
specific goals of scholars in the humanities, and the KEEP toolkit: a  
web-based tool for sharing pedagogical knowledge and innovations.

If you are doing new or interesting things in the area of Ed Tech  
please be in touch. And as always, feel free to participate with  
comments on the posts.

Thank you,


Molly Ruggles
Educational Technology Consultant
Office of Educational Innovation & Technology
OEIT | MIT | NE48-308
ruggles at mit.edu | 617-324-9185

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