[Crosstalk] Crosstalk This Thursday

Phillip Long longpd at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 4 11:12:00 EST 2008

Hi: This is a reminder that we're having a CrossTalk Seminar  
presentation on "the iLabs Project, a View from 10 Years On" this  
Thursday.   iLabs is a software architecture for delivering remote  
labs to students via the Internet.  iLabs enables not only expensive  
or scarce laboratory resources to be easily accessed by students, but  
opens opportunities for students to engage with experiments in  
multiple contexts. iLabs are spreading around the world. They have  
been enabling students to access and run laboratory experiments for 10  
years.  This semester at MIT 6.002 students ( "Circuits and  
Electronics" ) now routinely use ilabs for all homework accessing  
three different ilabs.

This seminar will present the state of the iLabs work in remote  
laboratories, introducing a way to control real-time as well as batch  
oriented experiments, and demonstrating implementations of remote lab  
experiments from Nigeria, Australia, and the US. This month the iLabs  
team is hosting developers from six countries who are building iLab  
experiments.  Come to learn the state of the art in bringing  
experimental devices to students, explore ways that your experiments  
might be made more widely accessible to students at MIT and elsewhere,  
and celebrate the extraordinary success of the iLabs project in its  
first decade of development and deployment of 'minds on' experiments.

Who: Professors Jesus del Alamo, Steve Lerman, (MIT), Jud Harward  
(MIT), John Belcher (MIT), Prof. Kunle Kehinde, (OAU - Nigeria), Prof.  
Mark Schulz (UQ - Australia), What: iLabs - the view from 10 years on
When: Thursday, March 6th, 2008
Where: 26-152 (the TEAL I Room)
Time: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm


For more information about iLabs please see http://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/display/ILAB2/Home 
, or http://icampus.mit.edu/ilabs

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