[Crosstalk] Tuesday 5/15, 2-4PM: MAS.964, One Laptop Per Child Project Presentations

Phillip Long longpd at MIT.EDU
Sun May 13 23:34:12 EDT 2007

Greetings; The CrossTalk mailing list tries to keep the volume down  
and focused on upcoming CrossTalk events. However, every once in a  
while an event comes along which the CrossTalk group might find  
especially interesting, and which we think it worth bending our rule  
a bit to bring to your attention. This is one of those times.

What:  One Laptop Per Child Project Presentations
When: Tuesday 5/15, 2-4PM
Where: MIT Media Lab Lower Level Atrium

The students of MAS.964 (One Laptop Per Child) have
been working since the winter on projects relating to
the $100 laptop.  Come have a snack and see what they've
achieved at a poster and live demonstration session.

Hope you find this interesting and can attend.


Phillip D. Long, Ph.D. (RL)           Radar Radio  
(SL)                 email: longpd at mit.edu
       - voice: +1.617.452.4038
Office of Education Innovation and Technology  - DUE      - http:// 
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology                           -  
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
                                         MIT iCampus - http:// 

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