[Crosstalk] Reminder -CrossTalk Wed. Dec. 5 at 2:30 pm in the Bush Room (10-105)

Phillip Long longpd at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 3 15:59:01 EST 2007

Greetings: I'm writing to tell you about a CrossTalk scheduled for  
Dec. 5, Wednesday, at 2:30 pm, in the Bush Room,  that will be given  
by Jon Udell, a technologist and futurist who will be speaking about  
the opportunities and challenges that accompany our professional lives  
now tracked in digital bits.  The abstract of his talk is:

"From now on, the story of your professional life will be written  
online. You'll be one of the narrators, but a lot of other voices will  
contribute too. This talk explores ways to make your own narration as  
purposeful and effective as it can be."

	The thread of his argument is around the idea that we will have  
permanent digital repositories that we personally manage holding our  
professional, and perhaps even our personal digital lives. How will  
this effect the way we think about academic work, advising, and the  
bits that describe our post-secondary lives.

	I think you'll find this an interesting and provocative discussion  
and encourage you and your colleagues to attend.

Once again:

Who: Jon Udell, Evangelist, Microsoft Corp.

What: CrossTalk Seminar: Being Online: Purposeful Narration of  
Professional Life

When: Dec. 5th, 2007 2:30 - 3:30 pm

Where: Bush Room, 10-105


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