[Crosstalk] Reminder: Educational Technology Day, Tuesday 9/12, 1-5 PM, 9-151

Katie Livingston Vale katiel at MIT.EDU
Fri Sep 8 15:32:04 EDT 2006

Faculty and TAs are cordially invited to join representatives of IS&T 
Academic Computing, AMPS, and other offices concerned with 
educational technology for an afternoon series of presentations and 
demonstrations. This will take place in the Ford and Kaufman rooms, 
9-151 and 9-152, from 1-5 PM  on Tuesday, September 12th.

Topics to be covered include Stellar, collaborative online 
environments (wikis), blogs, podcasts, math software, digital video 
production, image repositories, and more.  The full agenda can be 
viewed at http://web.mit.edu/acs/www/edtechday.html
Refreshments will be served.

Consultants from Academic Computing and AMPS will be on hand to 
discuss your teaching needs. You can also send mail to 
et-consult at mit.edu to set up an appointment.

Please feel free to forward this to other MIT teaching staff. We hope 
to see you Tuesday!

Katie Livingston Vale, Ed.D.
Educational Technology Consulting
MIT Academic Computing

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