[Crosstalk] Reminder: Tablet PC Assessment Crosstalk, Thurs, 3/23

Katie Livingston Vale katiel at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 22 15:31:42 EST 2006

Hello all,

You are cordially invited to attend the next event in the Crosstalk 
Academic Computing series:

"Tablet PCs, Classroom Presenter and Other Educational Technologies: 
Real Problems in Assessment"

March 23rd, 3 PM, Room 56-114  (Refreshments at 2:45; talk begins at 3.)
Free and open to the MIT community; sponsored by IS&T Academic Computing

Assessing the efficacy of specialized hardware and software for 
educational purposes has historically been problematic. In this 
session, we will give an overview of two carefully controlled 
research projects that have been going on at MIT for the past 3 
years. This will include a demonstration, with audience 
participation, of tablet PCs and Classroom Presenter software.

David Singer is a Visiting Scholar at MIT whose expertise is in 
educational assessment, education and brain science. Kimberle Koile 
is a Research Scientist at the MIT Artificial Intelligence and 
Computer Science Laboratory, and a Lecturer in the MIT Department of 
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.


Katie Livingston Vale, Ed.D.
Educational Technology Consulting
MIT Academic Computing

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