[Crosstalk] Ed Tech Times Update: MIT Podcasts: Listening to Class Materials on the Go

violeta@MIT.EDU violeta at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 14 17:01:49 EST 2006

 Ed Tech Times Update: MIT Podcasts: Listening to Class Materials on the Go 

                          2006.03.14 16:57:56


    "Podcasting", a technology for distributing multimedia
    recordings over the Internet, provides an innovative way to
    bring class materials to today's technology-savvy students.
    Read this article to find out how podcasting works, what
    software, hardware, and skills one needs to create and use
    podcasts, and what resources exist at MIT to assist faculty and
    departments who want to create educational podcasts. 
    Educational podcasting is also the central theme for
    publications in the Ed Tech Times this month. Look for upcoming
    articles and announcements on podcasting resources, services,
    projects, and training.



"MIT Podcasts: Listening to Class Materials on the Go"
By Lisa Mayer, Web and Database Consultant, IS&T DCAD

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