[Crosstalk] Ed Tech Times Update: MIT "Blogs": Freshman Seminar Highlights the Educational Value of Online Journals

violeta@MIT.EDU violeta at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 9 19:19:18 EST 2006

 Ed Tech Times Update: MIT "Blogs": Freshman Seminar Highlights the Educational Value of Online Journals 

                          2006.02.09 19:15:45


    Online journals called "weblogs" or "blogs" can be used to
    teach students how to reflect on experiences and how to share
    their reflections in a written form with classmates, teachers,
    and other audiences. Read this article to learn how weblogs
    were used, very effectively, in a freshman advising seminar
    during the Fall 2005 semester; and how blog-empowered web sites
    are created for MIT courses and departments. 



MIT "Blogs": Freshman Seminar Highlights the Educational Value of
Online Journals
By Dr. Katie Livingston-Vale, IS&T Academic Computing


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