[Crosstalk] iLabs presentation, Monday, April 10, 4 PM

Katie Livingston Vale katiel at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 7 15:30:19 EDT 2006

Please join us this Monday for the next event in the Crosstalk 
Academic Computing Seminar series:

The iCampus iLabs Project

Monday, April 10, 2006
Speakers: Prof Jesus Del Alamo, Prof Steve Lerman
Time: 4:00p-5:30p
Location: 4-231
Refreshments will be served.

iLabs: Internet access to real labs - anywhere, anytime

iLabs is dedicated to the proposition that online laboratories - real 
laboratories accessed through the Internet - can enrich science and 
engineering education by greatly expanding the range of experiments 
that students are exposed to in the course of their education. Unlike 
conventional laboratories, iLabs can be shared across a university or 
across the world. The iLabs vision is to share expensive equipment 
and educational materials associated with lab experiments as broadly 
as possible within higher education and beyond.


Katie Livingston Vale, Ed.D.
Educational Technology Consulting
MIT Academic Computing

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