[Crosstalk] Image Tool demos today at 2:00 in N42 Demo Center

Jean Foster jfoster at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 6 12:28:56 EDT 2005

Today we'll see demos of two MIT academic projects, M:media and
StudioMIT at 2:00 in the N42 Demo Center.

Other upcoming image tool demos (also to be held in the N42 Demo

Tue Oct 11, 11:00 - Stellar Image Tool prototype (Ben Brophy)
Thu Oct 27, 3:00 - Visualizing Cultures repositories and tools (Jeff  

****If you want to receive future announcements and discussions about
image collection management tools and image repositories events, demos,
and  conferences please add yourself to the email list image- tools at
mit.edu by signing up at

(The list is moderated, filters spam, and should be low volume.)****

(Apologies if you've received more than one copy of this email. I've
cc'd several lists in order to get the invitation out for the
image-tools list.  From now on image-tools at mit.edu will be the only
recipient of these announcments.)

Jean Foster
Usability Consultant/
Academic Computing Communications Coordinator
MIT Information Services and Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
N42-250K, jfoster at mit.edu, 617.253.3909

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