[Crib-list] Speaker: NICHOLAS ARCOLANO (RunKeeper) -- "Computational Research in Boston and Beyond Seminar (CRIBB) -- Friday, May 1, 2015 -- TIME: 12:00 Noon in Bldg. 32, Room 124.

Shirley Entzminger daisymae at math.mit.edu
Tue Apr 28 14:37:48 EDT 2015


DATE:		FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015
TIME:		12:00 Noon
LOCATION:	Building 32, Room 124  (Stata Center)
 		[32 Vassar Street]

 	Pizza and beverages will be provided at 11:45 AM outside Room 124.

TITLE:		Bridging the Gap Between Data and Insight Using Open-Source Tools



Despite the proliferation of open-source tools for analysis (such as 
Python and R) and those used for visualization (such as Javascript / D3), 
there often exist significant gaps between these areas, and those of us 
trying to navigate the complete arc from data to insight can encounter 
many obstacles along the way.  Fortunately, in recent years there have 
been many efforts to fill these needs, and today distilling a meaningful 
visualization from raw data is faster and easier than ever before.

In this talk we will use will use examples in geospatial analysis and 
visualization to illustrate how to open-source tools like Python, 
geopandas, and TileMill work together. Using examples from the RunKeeper 
mobile app we will show how we currently use these tools to understand 
better our customers and their data, and to communicate with our 
colleagues, external partners, and the data community at large.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA

For more information about the 'Computational Research in Boston and 
Beyond Seminar' (CRIBB), please visit...


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