[Crib-list] TODAY: SPEAKER: Kathleen Knobe (Intel) -- CRIBB Seminar -- TIME: 12:00 Noon in Building 32, Room 141 (Stata) (fwd)
Shirley Entzminger
daisymae at math.mit.edu
Fri May 2 10:32:12 EDT 2014
T O D A Y . . .
DATE: Friday, May 2, 2014
TIME: 12:00 Noon
LOCATION: Building 32, Room 141 (Stata)
(32 Vassar Street)
(Pizza will be provided at 11:45 AM outside Room 32-141.)
TITLE: Programming in CnC for Parallel Execution
SPEAKER: Kathleen Knobe (Intel)
Parallel programming is difficult for anyone but its particularly difficult for
the domain expert who wants to focus on their domain (say finance, medical
imaging or chemistry) and not on computer science. Most programming models
require the user to think about and express what units of computation to
execute in parallel. This is hard and depends on the target architecture.
Instead, CnC requires the user to think about and express the ordering
constraints among the units of computation. This is easier and depends only on
the application. In fact, the user must know these constraints even to write a
correct serial program. There are exactly two relationships that cause ordering
constraints: producer/consumer (one computation produces data that another
uses) and controller/controllee (one computation determines if another will
execute). CnC is simply a way of expressing these ordering constraints. This
approach not only simplifies the programmers problem but because the resulting
program is less constrained the execution can be more efficient.
The talk will introduce CnC and present our experience with CnC LULESH, a shock
hydro-dynamics application. This work was done for the DOE Exascale software
stack (S-Stack) project. If time permits we may also touch on the tuning
capabilities in CnC.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
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