[Crib-list] TODAY: SPEAKER: Ashlee N. Ford Versypt (MIT) -- "Computational Research in Boston and Beyond Seminar" -- Friday, April 5, 2013 -- TIME: 12:00 Noon in Building 32, Room 141 (fwd)

Shirley Entzminger daisymae at math.mit.edu
Fri Apr 5 10:17:30 EDT 2013

T O D A Y . . .


DATE:		Friday, April 5, 2013
TIME:		12:00 Noon
LOCATION:	Building 32, Room 141 (Stata Center)
 		(32 Vassar Street, Cambridge)

(Pizza provided at 11:45 AM outside Room 32-141.)

SPEAKER:	Ashlee N. Ford Versypt  (M.I.T.)

TITLE:		Mathematical Modeling of Pharmaceuticals:
 		Predictive Design for Better Medicines


Smart designs of drug molecules and pharmaceutical formulations can target 
treatments to specific tissues, reduce side effects, and improve patient 
quality of care. Computational models for evaluating pharmaceutical 
formulations can narrow the range of experiments needed to identify successful 
designs by predicting performance and thus reducing the development time and 
driving down costs. Models coupled with sophisticated process control 
strategies allow for careful monitoring of manufacturing to reduce wasted 
materials and energy and to adhere to quality standards. I will overview 
mathematical modeling efforts in several pharmaceutical domains and will 
highlight work related to predicting drug release from controlled-release 
formulations that administer medicine over extended periods with a single 
dosage. I will show how coupled, nonlinear partial differential equations can 
be used to capture the complex dynamic interactions between simultaneous 
chemical reactions and mass transfer. I will describe mathematical techniques 
that can be used to reduce the system size from thousands of equations to just 
a few while retaining resolution of the biodegradation of the pharmaceutical 
formulation that strongly influences the drug release dynamics. These 
techniques can aid in the design of new controlled-release formulations.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA

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