[Crib-list] TODAY...Special COMPUTATIONAL RESEARCH in BOSTON Seminar -- Tuesday, 11/24/2009 -- 12:30 PM -- Room 2-139 (fwd)
Shirley Entzminger
daisymae at math.mit.edu
Tue Nov 24 10:26:56 EST 2009
T O D A Y . . .
NOTE: Different day and location...
DATE: Tuesday, NOVEMBER 24, 2009
TIME: 12:30 PM
LOCATION: Building 2, Room 139
Pizza and beverages will be provided at 12:15 PM outside Room 2-139.
TITLE: An Online High Performance Computing Service for
Genetic Linkage Analysis
SPEAKER: MARK SILBERSTEIN (Technion-Israel Institute of
In this talk I will describe the algorithms and mechanisms underlying a
distributed system for genetic linkage analysis, called Superlink-online.
It is a production online system which serves hundreds of geneticists
worldwide allowing for faster analysis of genetic data via automatic
parallelization and execution on thousands of non-dedicated computers.
I will describe the following innovative technologies forming the core of
this system
1. Practical scheduling and execution of embarrassingly parallel Bags
of Tasks in multiple non-dedicated computing environments (SC09).
Our approach allows for virtualization of multiple grids, clouds and
Volunteer gids as a single computing platform by building an overlay
of execution clients over the physical resources; another component
is a generic mechanism for dynamic scheduling policies to reduce the
turnaround time in the presence of resource failures and
heterogeneity. Our system has executed hundreds of Bags of Tasks
with over 9 million jobs during 3 months alone; these have been
invoked on 25,000 hosts from the local clusters, the Open Science
Grid, EGEE, UW Madison pool and Superlink at Technion community grid.
2. A general technique for designing memory-bound algorithms on GPUs
through software-managed cache (ICS08). This technique was
successfully applied to the probabilistic network inference
yielding an order of magnitude performance improvement versus the
performance without such a cache. Overall we achieved up to three
orders of magnitude speedup when executing our GPU-based algorithm
versus single CPU performance.
3. Coarse- and fine-grained parallel algorithms for the inference in
probabilistic networks on large-scale non-dedicated environments and
GPUs. We devised and implemented an algorithm suitable for loosely
coupled environments with unreliable resources (American Journal of
Human Genetics 2006, HPDC06) and adapted it for heterogeneous GPU-CPU
supercomputer TSUBAME in Tokyo Tech.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
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