[Cp-bulletin] Cambridge Police Notice

Cheryl N Vossmer crimbite at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 27 16:27:38 EDT 2010


                        Citizens Asked to be Vigilant After String of Street Robberies in MIT Area

October 27, 2010 - Cambridge Police are currently investigating four possibly related incidents in the vicinity of Area 4, Cambridgeport, and Mid-Cambridge areas.
Two of the incidents occurred on 10/22/10 between 7:45 PM and 8:20 PM with approximately 30 minutes between incidents. Two additional robberies occurred on 10/26/10 at 9:55 PM and 10:10 PM, with approximately 15 minutes between incidents.
Three of the five robbery victims were white males between the ages of 25 and 30 years of age who were walking alone. In one of the robberies there were two white male victims between 25 and 30 years of age.
In three of the four incidents, the victims were approached from behind by two black males who immediately brandish a knife and relieved the victims of their wallets, backpacks, laptops, and cell phones.
Currently, Cambridge Police are looking for two black male suspects, possibly in their late teens or early twenties.  One suspect is described as chubby and the other suspect is described as tall with a thin build and dark skin.
Cambridge Police are actively investigating these crimes and are sharing information with MIT & Harvard Police Departments.  This string of robberies will also be the focus of the department's BridgeStat meeting on 10/28, with more information being made available in the October release of BridgeStat which will be available next week on the Cambridge Police Department website.
Cambridge Police would like to remind students and citizens to take the following precautions when walking at night:

 *   Be aware of your surroundings at all times and trust your instincts.
 *   Always walk with a friend or in a group when possible.
 *   Walk with confidence on the street and at a good, steady pace. Keep your head up and observe your surroundings don't look down at the ground.
 *   Do not where ear buds, headphones, or listen to music when walking alone.
 *   If you feel you are being followed, show you are suspicious - turn to look at the person. It sends a clear message that you will not be taken by surprise.
 *   Change directions. If someone is following you on foot, cross the street and vary your pace. If the person following you is in a car, turn and walk in the opposite direction.
More safety tips are available via the Cambridge Police Department website at http://www.cambridgema.gov/CityOfCambridge_Content/documents/street%20saftety.pdf
Anyone with information about these crimes or possible suspects is asked to call the Cambridge Police Department at 617-349-3300.

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