[Cp-bulletin] Fourth of July - Safety Precautions

Cheryl Vossmer crimbite at MIT.EDU
Tue Jun 27 15:35:38 EDT 2006

Boston Fourth of July Safety Precautions
Issued: June 27, 2006

Please Distribute

	Please be advised that this year's traditional celebration on the 
Esplanade will be held on Tuesday night, July 4th, 2006. In view of the 
tremendous influx of crowds to the Cambridge/Boston Charles River area 
for this celebration, we seek you cooperation with the following:

1)	In an effort to reduce thefts and increase safety, PLEASE secure
  	all office doors and accessible windows. This will help to
	reduce the chances of outsiders wandering into MIT buildings.
	Outsiders may try to gain access due to the excellent view of
	the fireworks, convenience of bathrooms or the opportunity to
	steal unlocked or unattended items - laptops, i-pods, digital 	
	cameras or the typical wallets and cash. Please notify the MIT
	Police immediately at 617-253-1212 to report suspicious

2)	Please be advised that Massachusetts General Law, Ch. 148 s39 -
	NO person shall sell, or keep or offer for sale, or have in his
  	possession, control, use or explode any combustible or explosive
  	substance for the purpose of producing a visible or audible
  	effect - is against the law. A violation of this law shall be
  	punishable by a fine. The sale of fireworks is punishable by
  	arrest. Additionally, the throwing or shooting of fireworks off
  	the rooftops is strictly prohibited. This practice may result in
  	serious injuries to people and property below, or serious
  	rooftop fires.

3)	REMEMBER: There is a fine for being on rooftops of an Academic
	building and a $500 fine for being on the rooftop of Building

	Our best wishes for a happy and safe Fourth of July.  We sincerely 
appreciate your cooperation on this festive occasion. For more 
information on the best viewing sites of the fireworks see 


MIT Police
Building W89
301 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA 02139

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