[config-package-dev] config-package-dev moved to GitHub

Geoffrey Thomas geofft at ldpreload.com
Thu Oct 19 09:58:52 EDT 2017

Hi all,

I've moved the config-package-dev repo to GitHub:


mostly because it's easier for non-MIT people to interact with than our 
Git repository in AFS (served via non-encrypted git://), and because it 
lets us use Travis CI + http://travis.debian.net to automatically run 
autopkgtests on pull requests.

Feel free to report bugs or file pull requests on GitHub, or to continue 
using the Debian bug tracker or this mailing list, as you prefer. I'll be 
watching all three. New releases will go through GitHub pull requests to 
make sure that they pass tests.

I've released version 5.4, which doesn't do anything other than update the 
Vcs-* URLs to point to GitHub, make the examples build, and add the 
autopkgtest. I'll plan to push Debian backports shortly to pick up the 
changes since 5.1.2.

(Also, if anyone wants to contribute additional test cases, that would be 
very welcome. Right now I just test that the examples build at all, but we 
can do testing that they actually configure the right things, that the 
CDBS and Debhelper versions behave identically, that upgrades from 
debathena-bin-example 1.0 to 1.1 work, etc.)

Geoffrey Thomas
geofft at ldpreload.com

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