[Cad] [CAD] Solvespace

Nancy Ouyang nancy.ouyang at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 19:23:46 EST 2015

Based on group interest, this week we'll read about solvespace, which as of
March 2015 has a native linux port. It's Brep based.

I'll throw out these links and if someone has input on any particular
reading / activity for the reading group, let the list know -- otherwise
I'll pick something tomorrow night.


Youtube demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r8Y4tOeYZQ
Source: https://github.com/jwesthues/solvespace
Windows: http://solvespace.com/download.pl
Linux: http://solvespace.com/forum.pl?action=viewthread&parent=574
OSX: http://solvespace.com/forum.pl?action=viewthread&parent=586

Constraint solver as python library:

Brief description of Solvespace's constraint solver:

Matt's explanation of constraints:

Example of adding a new constraint:
(from http://solvespace.com/forum.pl?action=viewthread&parent=1005)

My friend's complaints about solvespace:

> it seems like the solver might be mostly symbolic
> with some sort of parser to evaluate
> well i need to look at the source
> but the equations should be numerically represented
> otherwise you spend most of your time parsing a large system rather than
> doing math
> even worth parsing is slow because it has lots of branches

might look at solvespace in more detail later, it at least sounds hopeful
> depends on whether the newton iteration is done on a matrix or by
> symbolically evaluating the constraints
> ew solvespace stores constraints and jacobians as expression trees

if i really cared about this i would start rewriting the Expr and System
> classes of solvespace

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