[Cad] Paper for Sunday

David Kaufman davidgilkaufman at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 22:31:55 EST 2015

We decided last meeting that we want to read a paper on B-rep kernels,
but we haven't selected a paper yet. I found a couple possibilities:

1) My favorite candidate, except that I can't find it online: "Stepwise
construction of polyhedra in geometric modeling" (I.C.Braid and
I.C.Hillyard & I.A. Stroud in Mathematical Methods in Computer Graphics
& Design). Wikipedia [1] indicates that is the first paper on B-rep
kernels with a focus on CAD. The book is cheap, but I don't think we can
all acquire a physical copy in a timely manner. Can anyone find this paper?

2) I came across an online book (Gemetric and Solid Modeling, Christoph
M Hoffmann) [2] while searching for papers. It covers a good deal more
than just B-reps, but we can read sections of it. I'd start with chapter
2 (skimming over the CSG and focusing on B-rep) and chapter 3. Other
chapters also look interesting but I think two chapters is more than
enough for this week.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boundary_representation

[2] https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/cmh/distribution/books/

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