[ASA-Official] GBM Scheduled, LEF/ARCADE Deadline, Finboard Appeals, and more
Rachel Meyer
remeyer at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 24 19:51:06 EDT 2009
Dear Student Groups,
Please take note of the following announcements:
1. ASA General Body Meeting: Monday October 5th
2. LEF/ARCADE Deadline - Wednesday, September 30
3. UA Finboard Appeals deadline
4. Retreat Planning with the Student Activities Office
5. ASA Minutes
6. Registering IAP Events
1. ASA General Body Meeting: Monday October 5th
The ASA General Body Meeting will be held on Monday October 5 at 7:30 pm in
34-101. Check-in will begin at 7 pm, so please come early in order to expedite
the check-in process. There will also be food available at the meeting.
Your group is required to send a representative, or you may face loss of
allocated resources, loss of access to funding, or derecognition. One person
may represent multiple groups, but will only receive a single vote.
An agenda will be published next week. Please contact the ASA Exec,
asa-exec at mit.edu, if there is anything you would like added to the agenda.
2. LEF/ARCADE Deadline - Wednesday, September 30
The deadline to submit applications to the Large Event Fund (LEF) and/or the
Assisting Recurring Cultural and Diversity Events (ARCADE) funds is Wednesday,
September 30. This next deadline is for events occurring between 10/1/09 and
12/31/09. The application and more information are available online:
All groups are encouraged to meet with the Student Activities Office about your
application before the deadline. Groups proposing events with outside
speakers/performers are REQUIRED to meet with Paul Spangle (pspangle at mit.edu)
or Alicia Erwin (aeerwin at mit.edu) in SAO (W20-549). Please get in touch with
Paul or Alicia to set up an appointment.
If you have any questions about LEF/ARCADE, please email the ASA Treasurer at
asa-treasurer at mit.edu.
3. UA Finboard Appeals deadline
Finboard appeals applications have been released. They will be due on October 6
at midnight.
Please appeal if:
1) You feel that your group received an inappropriate amount of money during the
original allocations
2) You incorporated new events into your schedule since the original allocation
3) during allocations Finboard asked you to come back to appeals for a specific
For appeals, Finboard will be hosting group office hours. The final times will
be on Monday 10/5 ? scheduled around the ASA General Body Meeting. More
details will be released later. Please come if you have questions about the
application or would like to express why your group needs a specific item or
event. Finboard may be requesting specific groups to come if we have specific
questions, so please watch out for those emails.
4. Retreat Planning with the Student Activities Office
Welcome back from the Student Activities Office! A number of student
organizations have recently been engaged in planning for fall semester
retreats. Retreats can provide a great avenue to team building, goal setting,
and motivating group membership to become engaged in your organization's
initiatives throughout the semester. When time and intentionality accompany
the planning of a retreat, the result is group cohesiveness and a clear,
collective vision for the upcoming year. If you have plans for a retreat in
the works, or if you are interested in the prospect of hosting a retreat for
your organization, please contact Paul Spangle of the Student Activities Office
at pspangle at mit.edu .
5. ASA Minutes
The minutes from ASA Executive Board meetings can be found at
http://web.mit.edu/asa/about/meeting-notes.html. If you'd like to receive
announcements of when future ASA Exec meetings will be or minutes from those
meetings, then add yourself onto asa-minutes at mit.edu with blanche,
webmoira.mit.edu, or by emailing asa-secretary at mit.edu.
6. Registering IAP Events (from Amy Clark, Independent Activities Period
Planning for IAP '10 has begun. We want MIT's student groups to be front and
center with activities for IAP 2010 (dates are January 4 ? January 29, 2009).
Here's all the how-to information and important dates and deadlines:
All activities for IAP must be posted on-line at http://web.mit.edu/iap/ by an
authorized group representative. Only authorized group representatives are
allowed to post activities, but they can post activities for anyone in the
Any ASA group wishing to sponsor IAP activities must designate 1-2 IAP
Coordinators who are authorized to post that group's listings. Each Coordinator
must get authorized to post for that group through the IAP Administrator.
Please have your designated Coordinator(s) send the following information to
iap-www at mit.edu:
- The name of the student group (must be ASA recognized)
- Each Coordinator's kerberos ID (Athena user ID)
The posting system will be available in early October by going to
http://web.mit.edu/iap/. First, read the instructions for "Using the posting
forms." Then go to "Post/Revise your IAP Activity." If your ASA group posted
an activity for last year?s IAP and you would like it to be updated for this
year, your group's coordinator will be able to see a list of activities that
may be rolled over from past years. Click on the "select" box to view the
activity, and then click on "edit" to roll it over. Student sign-up begins in
November, but activities may be posted through the end of IAP.
The updated posting form is easy to use. However, please contact
iap-www at mit.edu for any questions or posting problems.
We look forward to your group's participation in IAP and providing you with any
assistance you might need. If you have any questions or concerns, don't
hesitate to contact us at iap-www at mit.edu or x3-1668.
The ASA Executive Board
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