[ASA-Official] Reminder: General Body Meeting, today at 7:30 pm, 34-101; midway update
Keone Hon
keone at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 13 01:39:11 EDT 2009
Dear Student Group Officers,
This is a reminder that the ASA General Body Meeting will be held
today (Monday), April 13, at 7:30 pm in 34-101. Check-in will begin
at 7 pm; please come early in order to expedite the check-in process
and to enjoy some delicious snacks. Your group is required to send
a representative; one student may represent multiple groups but will
only receive a single vote.
The main topic of the meeting will be the election of the 2009-2010
ASA Executive Board.
We would like to encourage all of you to consider running to serve on
the ASA Executive Board. You may nominate yourself by submitting a
platform (in the form of a single PowerPoint slide) to
asa-elect at mit.edu. Alternately, nominations (including
self-nominations) will be taken during the meeting itself. The
following positions will be elected at the meeting:
* President
* Treasurer
* Secretary
* Undergraduate Members-at-Large (2)
* Graduate Members-at-Large (2)
* Student Member-at-Large
There are currently several positions with no nominees yet, so you if
you are interested you should definitely run!
Additionally, we have received a number of requests for table
confirmation at the upcoming midway, to be held on Saturday (April 18)
from 1 to 3 pm in Johnson. A list of groups that currently have
confirmed tables is available at
http://web.mit.edu/asa/resources/midway/signups.txt. This list will
be updated as more requests are submitted.
If you have not been assigned a table (either because you forgot to
sign up, or due to a clerical error on our part), don't panic. We
still have some tables open; please visit
http://asa.scripts.mit.edu/applications/midway/midway.php and send us
an e-mail at asa-midway at mit.edu and we'll get you one.
Table assignments will be forthcoming. We apologize for the delay.
See you later today!
The ASA Executive Board
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