[acs-r] ACS 2.1

Laviolette, Michael Michael.Laviolette at dhhs.nh.gov
Thu Jul 13 14:52:47 EDT 2017

When you run acs.tables.install(), where are the table files supposed to go? I found them in the main acs package folder; I would have expected them in the extdata folder where the key is stored.

Michael Laviolette PhD MPH
Public Health Statistician
Bureau of Public Health Statistics and Informatics
New Hampshire Division of Public Health Services
29 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301-6504
Phone: 603-271-5688
Email: Michael.Laviolette at dhhs.nh.gov
"Improving Health, Preventing Disease, Reducing Costs for All"

From: acs-r-bounces at mit.edu [mailto:acs-r-bounces at mit.edu] On Behalf Of Ezra Haber Glenn
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 12:53 PM
To: acs-r at mit.edu; Sara Hintze
Cc: 'acs-r at mit.edu'
Subject: Re: [acs-r] ACS 2.1

Ps, can you also confirm that you've reinstalled your api key?
On July 13, 2017 12:43:52 PM EDT, Ezra Haber Glenn <eglenn at mit.edu<mailto:eglenn at mit.edu>> wrote:

There have been some issues with the online variable lookup tables
that the package needs to access.  Can you try this function (just
once -- no need to use it every time) :


after that, see if your script works.



On Thu, 13 Jul 2017 12:33:39 -0400, Sara Hintze wrote:

 [1  <multipart/alternative (7bit)>]
 [1.1  <text/plain; us-ascii (quoted-printable)>]
 [1.2  <text/html; us-ascii (quoted-printable)>]
 Hi all,

 I recently upgraded from acs 2.0 to 2.1 and am receiving errors from a script that
 previously worked under acs 2.0. I’ve attached the original script along with the console
 output. Have I missed something obvious and/or has anyone else had similar issues?



 Sara Hintze

 GIS Data Developer/Analyst | Research Services

 Mid-America Regional Council

 600 Broadway Blvd., Ste 200

 Kansas City, MO 64105

 816-701-8220 | www.marc.org<http://www.marc.org>

 [2 Script.r <application/octet-stream (base64)>]
 [3 ConsoleOutput.txt <text/plain (base64)>]

 # Call the acs package for data processing

 Loading required package: stringr
 Loading required package: XML

 Attaching package: ‘acs’

 The following object is masked from ‘package:base’:


 Warning message:
 package ‘acs’ was built under R version 3.3.3

 # Variables to specify end year of ACS to pull from, as well as the span, which specifies the estimates to pull for that end year (1-year, 3-year, or 5-year), and the geographic level
 year_endyear = 2015
 year_span = 5 # 1-year estimates are not available at the tract or block group level
 fileGeo = "County"

 # Additional geography fields for output
 countyFIPS = ""
 countyName = ""
 stateFIPS = ""
 stateAbbr = ""

 if (fileGeo == "BlockGroup") {

 + # Block Group Geographies
 + mo.geo=geo.make(state=29, county=c(3,13,21,25,37,47,49,63,95,101,107,165,177), tract="*", block.group<http://block.group>="*")
 + ks.geo=geo.make(state=20, county=c(1,5,43,45,59,91,103,107,121,209), tract="*", block.group<http://block.group>="*")
 + # Combine the Missouri and Kansas geographies, so we're pulling all data in a single request
 + geo = mo.geo + ks.geo
 + } else if (fileGeo == "Tract") {
 + # Tract Geographies:
 + mo.geo=geo.make(state=29, county=c(3,13,21,25,37,47,49,63,95,101,107,165,177), tract="*")
 + ks.geo=geo.make(state=20, county=c(1,5,43,45,59,91,103,107,121,209), tract="*")
 + # Combine the Missouri and Kansas geographies, so we're pulling all data in a single request
 + geo = mo.geo + ks.geo
 + } else if (fileGeo == "Place") {
 + # Place Geographies:
 + mo.geo=geo.make(state=29, place="*")
 + ks.geo=geo.make(state=20, place="*")
 + # Combine the Missouri and Kansas geographies, so we're pulling all data in a single request
 + geo = mo.geo + ks.geo
 + } else if (fileGeo == "County") {
 + # County Geographies:
 + # Top 2 are for counties in the MSA, plus counties needed for REACH data (Allen County, KS and Lafayette County, MO)]
 + # Bottom 2 are the counties in the MARC region only
 + #All Counties in the CSA (??) (plus Allen County, KS)
 + if (year_span == 5){
 + mo.geo=geo.make(state=29, county=c(3,13,21,25,37,47,49,63,95,101,107,165,177))
 + ks.geo=geo.make(state=20, county=c(1,5,43,45,59,91,103,107,121,209))
 + } else {
 + #Counties Available within the 1-Year ACS Estimates
 + mo.geo=geo.make(state=29, county=c(21,37,47,95,165))
 + ks.geo=geo.make(state=20, county=c(45,91,103,209))
 + }
 + # Combine the Missouri and Kansas geographies, so we're pulling all data in a single request
 + geo = mo.geo + ks.geo
 + } else if (fileGeo == "MSA") {
 + # MSA Geographies - cannot be pulled by County or State, so getting all
 + geo <- geo.make(msa="*")
 + # Set the stateFIPS so that data appends correctly
 + stateFIPS = 99
 + }

 # Clean up variables that are no longer needed.
 if (fileGeo != "MSA") {

 + rm(mo.geo, ks.geo)
 + }

 # Set up acs.lookup objects for data we want to retrieve
 population.under18 = acs.lookup(table.name<http://table.name> = "B09001", span=year_span, endyear = year_endyear)

 trying URL 'http://web.mit.edu/eglenn/www/acs/acs-variables/acs_5yr_2015_var.xml.gz'
 Content type 'application/xml' length 735879 bytes (718 KB)
 downloaded 718 KB

 Warning message:
 In acs.lookup(table.name<http://table.name> = "B09001", span = year_span, endyear = year_endyear) :
   XML variable lookup tables for this request
   seem to be missing from ' https://api.census.gov/data/2015/acs5/variables.xml ';
   temporarily downloading and using archived copies instead;
   since this is *much* slower, recommend running

 ownChildren.byFamilyType = acs.lookup(table.name<http://table.name>="B09002", span=year_span, endyear=year_endyear)

 trying URL 'http://web.mit.edu/eglenn/www/acs/acs-variables/acs_5yr_2015_var.xml.gz'
 Content type 'application/xml' length 735879 bytes (718 KB)
 downloaded 718 KB

 Warning message:
 In acs.lookup(table.name<http://table.name> = "B09002", span = year_span, endyear = year_endyear) :
   XML variable lookup tables for this request
   seem to be missing from ' https://api.census.gov/data/2015/acs5/variables.xml ';
   temporarily downloading and using archived copies instead;
   since this is *much* slower, recommend running

 # Select out just those variables we want
 population.under18.vars = population.under18[1:10]
 ownchildren.byfamilytype.vars = ownChildren.byFamilyType[1:20]
 children.vars = population.under18.vars + ownchildren.byfamilytype.vars

 # Request/fetch the data, and then add to a dataframe for output
 children.data = acs.fetch(endyear=year_endyear, span=year_span, geography=geo, variable=children.vars, dataset="acs")

 Error in if (url.test["statusMessage"] != "OK") { :
   missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

 # Create a complete FIPS code ID for the block group, tract, place, or county - this is what is used to join this data to geography
 if (fileGeo == "Tract") {

 + myFIPS = paste(geography(children.data)$state, sprintf("%03d",geography(children.data)$county), geography(children.data)$tract, sep="")
 + } else if (fileGeo == "County") {
 + myFIPS = paste(geography(children.data)$state, sprintf("%03s",geography(children.data)$county), sep="")
 + } else if (fileGeo == "Place") {
 + myFIPS = paste(geography(children.data)$state, sprintf("%05s",geography(children.data)$place), sep="")
 + } else if (fileGeo == "BlockGroup") {
 + myFIPS = paste(geography(children.data)$state, sprintf("%03d",geography(children.data)$county), sprintf("%06d",geography(children.data)$tract), geography(children.data)$blockgroup, sep="")
 + } else if (fileGeo == "MSA") {
 + myFIPS = geography(children.data)$metropolitanstatisticalareamicropolitanstatisticalarea
 + }
 Error in geography(children.data) : object 'children.data' not found

 if (fileGeo != "MSA" && fileGeo != "Place") {

 + countyFIPS = paste(geography(children.data)$state, sprintf("%03s",geography(children.data)$county), sep="")
 + stateFIPS = geography(children.data)$state
 + } else if(fileGeo != "MSA") {
 + stateFIPS = geography(children.data)$state
 + }
 Error in geography(children.data) : object 'children.data' not found

 children.df = data.frame(geography(children.data)$NAME, myFIPS, countyFIPS, countyName, stateFIPS, stateAbbr, year_endyear, year_span, estimate(children.data))

 Error in geography(children.data) : object 'children.data' not found

 # Overwrite default ACS field names with English
 cols_children = c("GeoStr", "FIPS", "CountyFIPS", "CountyName", "StateFIPS", "StateAbbr", "Period", "Dataset", "PopulationUnder18", "Under18InHouseholds", "AgeUnder3Years", "Age3to4", "Age5", "Age6to8", "Age9to11", "Age12to14", "Age15to17", "Under18InGroupQuarters", "OwnChildrenUnder18", "InMarriedCouples","InMarriedCouples_Under3years","InMarriedCouples_3to4years","InMarriedCouples_5years","InMarriedCouples_6to11years","InMarriedCouples_12to17years","InOtherFamilies","MaleHoH","MaleHoH_Under3years","MaleHoH_3to4years","MaleHoH_5years","MaleHoH_6to11years","MaleHoH_12to17years","FemaleHoH","FemaleHoH_Under3years","FemaleHoH_3to4years","FemaleHoH_5years","FemaleHoH_6to11years","FemaleHoH_12to17years")

 Error in colnames(children.df) = cols_children :
   object 'children.df' not found

 # Set rownames to NULL, so it defaults to a sequential numeric output
 rownames(children.df) <- NULL

 Error in rownames(children.df) <- NULL : object 'children.df' not found

 #Clean up unneeded variables
 rm(ownChildren.byFamilytype, ownchildren.byfamilytype.vars, population.under18, population.under18.vars, children.vars, children.data, children.df)

 Warning messages:
 1: In rm(ownChildren.byFamilytype, ownchildren.byfamilytype.vars, population.under18,  :
   object 'ownChildren.byFamilytype' not found
 2: In rm(ownChildren.byFamilytype, ownchildren.byfamilytype.vars, population.under18,  :
   object 'children.data' not found
 3: In rm(ownChildren.byFamilytype, ownchildren.byfamilytype.vars, population.under18,  :
   object 'children.df' not found

 [4  <text/plain; us-ascii (7bit)>]


 acs-r mailing list
 acs-r at mit.edu<mailto:acs-r at mit.edu>

Ezra Haber Glenn, AICP
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave., Room 7-346
Cambridge, MA 02139
eglenn at mit.edu<mailto:eglenn at mit.edu>
617.253.2024 (w)
617.721.7131 (c)


acs-r mailing list
acs-r at mit.edu<mailto:acs-r at mit.edu>

Ezra Haber Glenn
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
eglenn at mit.edu<mailto:eglenn at mit.edu> / 617.721.7131
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