[acs-r] Best way to visualize ACS data?

Anon RUser anon.r.user at gmail.com
Fri Jul 5 19:32:43 EDT 2013


I was very excited to learn about the R ACS package and think that it can
be extremely useful for me.  I would like to create visualizations of
demographic data.   For example, on Ezra's blog he explains how to get all
census tract population data for Middlesex county:

> my.tracts=geo.make(state="MA", county="Middlesex", tract="*")
> acs.fetch(geography=my.tracts, table.number="B01003")

I have two questions:

1.  I would like to turn this data into a choropleth, but don't know how.
I have created choropleths using ggplot2 as described in the R Graphics
Cookbook (
There they call ggplot2's "map_data()" function.  But while map_data can
accept "usa" or "county", I don't think that it supports census tracts, so
I don't know how to create a choropleth of this data.

2.  How does table.number correspond to ACS question number?  I found what
appears to be a complete list of ACS questions here:

How do these questions map to the table.number parameter?  For example, I
would like to make a choropleth showing the ratio of people in Middlesex
county who speak a language other than English at home (ie "% of people
answering 'yes' to question 14(a)").  I don't know how to translate this to
a table.number.

Thank you very much!
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