<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Windows-1252"><title>Re: [WebPub] SXSWi Preview Talk Tomorrow: Analytics & Social Tools in Practice at MIT and Harvard</title>
<font face="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><span style="font-size:11pt">Okay, I’m going as long as we are eating hamburgers afterwards. See you at Outbound T stop at 3pm<br>
On 3/8/11 10:24 AM, "Traganos, Christopher D." <<a href="christopher_traganos@harvard.edu">christopher_traganos@harvard.edu</a>> wrote:<br>
</span></font><blockquote><font size="2"><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman"><span style="font-size:10pt">Hello MIT web comrades,<br>
This is the last call for RSVP requests for the talk “<i>Analytics and Social Tools in Practice at MIT and Harvard” </i>taking place tomorrow afternoon. It is a sneak preview of a talk being presented down at the South By Southwest Interactive conference two days later — Come and help shape the talk before SXSWi!<br>
</i>Everyone from MIT who has contacted me already is on the guest list for the Library, Ill send out the next batch today. Due to the interest in the talk, we have doubled seating capacity for the room so there is plenty of space for our combined MIT/Harvard posse. In addition, feel free to forward to non MIT/Harvard colleagues as we have the space now to accommodate.<br>
Let me know if you would like to come tomorrow, 3:30 – 5:00, right in Harvard Square at Lamont Library.<br>
Details are below,<br>
Talk soon!<br>
Harvard Web Working Group<br>
<a href="http://www.slideshare.net/harvardwww">http://www.slideshare.net/harvardwww</a><br>
On 3/2/11 3:41 PM, "Traganos, Christopher D." <<a href="christopher_traganos@harvard.edu">christopher_traganos@harvard.edu</a>> wrote:<br>
</span></font></font><blockquote><font size="2"><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman"><span style="font-size:10pt">Hello MIT Webpub,<br>
We are excited to announce this month’s presentation which is a joint talk for MIT & Harvard. We have the honor of bringing over one of your own to talk about analytics and how great the Miracle of Science burgers truly are.<br>
Sean Brown, Online Manager at MIT Sloan Management Review, and myself will present a talk on analytics and cms/social media tools 2 days before is it presented down at South By South West Interactive. <a href="http://sxsw.com/interactive/">http://sxsw.com/interactive/</a> We would love to have you out to screen and hopefully enjoy the presentation. Webpub talks have been such a great source of training for us and we would love to try and return the favor.<br>
</span></font></font><blockquote><font size="2"><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman"><span style="font-size:10pt"><b>Location<br>
</b>Lamont Library Forum Room <i>(Non Harvard attendees must RSVP to this email)<br>
</b>Wednesday, March 9th @ 3:30 – 5:00<br>
</b><i>Analytics and Social Tools in Practice<br>
</b>Measuring the reach of your social media efforts is a good first step--but it's not enough. Sean will show how MIT Sloan Management Review uses analytics to turn data into insight, and insight into action. Chris will describe the social tools that aggregate, syndicate, and amplify Harvard's message to the world, including integration with Facebook's open graph and real-time Twitter collaboration via Social Flow. <br>
<b>For more details on the talk at SXSW, read here: </b><a href="http://schedule.sxsw.com/events/event_IAP8398">http://schedule.sxsw.com/events/event_IAP8398</a><br>
<i>We are hoping for critiques and feedback following the presentation over on SpeakerRate: </i><a href="http://speakerrate.com/talks/5762-pre-sxsw-talk-analytics-and-social-tools-in-practice">http://speakerrate.com/talks/5762-pre-sxsw-talk-analytics-and-social-tools-in-practice</a><br>
</span></font></font></blockquote><font size="2"><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman"><span style="font-size:10pt"><br>
See you Wednesday — shoot me an email to RSVP for it,<br>
Chris & Andrew<br>
<i>Harvard WWW Co-Chairs<br>
</i></span></font></font></blockquote><font face="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><span style="font-size:11pt"><br>