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<a href="http://webpub.mit.edu/2009/04/access-oriented-web-design/">Access
Oriented Web Design with Scott Jehl</a><br>
April 29th, 2009<br>
“Access-Oriented Web Design” is an approach for safely applying
progressive enhancement in websites and applications so they deliver an
accessible and functional experience to the widest audience possible.<br>
Web design guru Scott Jehl from Boston’s The Filament Group discussed
“Access-Oriented Web Design: Building highly-interactive web apps that
work for everyone” at our April 2009 WebPub presentation. Scott
specializes in website design and development, is a member of the
jQuery and jQuery UI design teams, and runs WriteMaps, an application
for planning websites. Scott has graciously provided us with his <a
slides</a> from the session and the <a
of his presentation</a> is now online.<br>
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Lisa C. Mayer : web & database consultant at MIT- IS&T- DCAD <br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:lmayer@mit.edu">lmayer@mit.edu</a> | 617.452.4225 | (gtalk & aim) lisacmayer <br>
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