[Waltz] Tonight

Ken T Takusagawa kenta at mit.edu
Sat May 25 06:08:17 EDT 2019

Join us tonight for waltz!

Also, future upcoming waltzes you can mark on your calendar: 
May 25
June 8
June 29



---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 19 May 2019 22:10:39 -0400
From: Stephanie Lam <stephanielam999 at gmail.com>
To: waltz-announce at mit.edu
Subject: [Waltz] May 25 Waltz @ MIT

Hi everyone,

Our next waltz will be Saturday, May 25, 7:30-10:30 p.m., in the Hulsizer Room of Ashdown Hall.

>From 7:30-8:30, Sara and Ken will teach a lesson covering the basics of several types of waltz: rotary, box-step, swing waltz, and cross-step. Afterwards, we will have our usual open dancing time with music
of various styles and tempos, including waltz, polka, schottische, swing, fusion, blues, bachata, and salsa. Send us song requests!

 *  Saturday, May 25, 2019
 *  Ashdown House, Hulsizer Room (235 Albany St., Cambridge, MA)
    The Hulsizer room is at the front of Ashdown, on the corner of Albany and Pacific. To get in, go through the main lobby and let the front desk staff know you're going to an event in Hulsizer. They will
    let you in and direct you across the courtyard to the Hulsizer room.
 *  Lesson: 7:30 PM
 *  Open dancing 8:30-10:30 PM
 *  Free, beginners welcome, no partner necessary
 *  Facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/394646558052938/

See you all there!

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