[theochem-announce] website update

bellucci@bu.edu bellucci at bu.edu
Wed Aug 26 14:58:24 EDT 2009

Hi Everyone,

Some of you may have noticed that I updated the website.  However, I 
wanted everyone to know that I'm not entirely done with the website 
yet.  I rewrote all the html and css from scratch, and so, there's 
still some bugs depending on what browser you look at the website with. 
  I wrote the website using the latest version of firefox so the 
website is best viewed with that particular browser.  Also, I had 
mentioned previously that I was planning on switching the website to a 
wordpress based website, but this proved to be somewhat problematic in 
that you cannot host a wordpress based website on people.bu.edu.  You 
can however host a free wordpress based website on other sites but 
there were other issues associated with that so I abandoned the idea 
altogether.  There will be more updates/fixes to the website in the 
future; I will let everyone know when it is "finished".


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