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<p>Hello Everybody,</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The TCC Council is accepting nominations for the coming semester. The TCC Council is responsible for planning our events such as Monday Night Discussion, Friday Night Supper, Thomistic Institute talks, service activities, and social events. If you are
interested you are encouraged to nominate yourself by emailing <a href="mailto:tcc-chair@mit.edu">
tcc-chair@mit.edu</a>. Nominations will be accepted until December 3. In particular, we are looking for a treasurer, service coordinator, education coordinator, and secretary. If you are a person with good organizational skills or a person with a lot of
ideas and curiosity, we can find a role for you.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks, and have a Happy Thanksgiving,</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Brian Gilligan</p>
<p>TCC Council Chair</p>