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<title>No 12:05pm Mass today...</title>
<font face="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><span style="font-size:11pt"><br>
There will be NO 12:05 pm Mass today, Friday, 10/11.<br>
Fr. Clancy is at a funeral, and is not able to be back in time.<br>
Please see message below from Kristelle.<br>
</span></font><font size="2"><font face="Consolas, Courier New, Courier"><span style="font-size:10pt">Hi everyone,<br>
There will be no Mass today at 12:05 in the MIT chapel because there is a<br>
funeral that Fr. Clancy has to celebrate. I will heading over to the St.<br>
Clements by foot from the MIT chapel at 11:50. You are welcome to join me if<br>
you'd like.<br>