Hey TCC!<br><br>Interested in becoming a lector? Or a Eucharistic Minister? These are two simple and enjoyable ways to serve the Tech Catholic Community during Mass! The training sessions are short (~15 minutes for lectors and ~1 hour for Eucharistic ministers) and you don't have anything <i>else </i>to do over IAP (er, right?) <br>
<br>If you are at all interested in being trained to be a part of either of these two ministries, just reply to this e-mail. I can answer any questions you may have about either ministry and/or keep you in the loop about training sessions happening over IAP! <br>
<br>Have an excellent finals-free weekend and a blessed Christmas season! <br><br>In Christ,<br>Amanda<br>(TCC Prayer Coordinator)<br><br><br><br>