<TITLE>12:05 pm Mass starting today....</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'><BR>
</SPAN><FONT SIZE="6"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:24pt'><B><U>Tech Catholic Community<BR>
</U> </B></SPAN></FONT><FONT SIZE="4"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:14pt'>Our 12:05 pm Masses on Tuesdays and Fridays will start again today !<BR>
Today, <B>Friday, Sept.10</B>: Mass will beheld in <B>W11/Community Room<BR>
Starting on Tuesday, Sept. 14 the 12:05pm Tuesday and Friday Masses will be back in the Chapel again.<BR>
Our regular Sunday Mass Schedule in the MIT Chapel with Masses at 9:30 am, 1pm and 5pm has resumed already.</SPAN></FONT></FONT>