<font size=6>TCC FOOD DRIVE<br>
THIS SUNDAY <br><br>
</font><font size=3>TCC is working with MIT Lamda Chi Alpha in a
pre-holiday season food drive to benefit those served by the
"Greater Boston Food Bank".<br>
The Greater Boston Food Bank distributes over 24 million pounds of food
annually to hundreds of local hunger-relief agencies in a dedicated
partnership to feed our region's hungry.<br><br>
Please bring your non-perishable food contributions to Mass this
Sunday...and give them to the collectors in the back of the chapel after
each mass.<br><br>
</font>Thanks for participating.<br><br>
God Bless,<br><br>
Fr. Paul<br>
<font face="Palatino Linotype" size=3><b><i>Paul Reynolds<br>
</b>Priest / Chaplain<br>
MIT Tech Catholic Community<br>
40 Mass. Ave. / MIT W11-012<br>
Cambridge, MA 02139<br>